Your marketing campaigns won’t do you any good if your customers don’t trust your business. Before you execute such campaigns, it’s extremely important that you should focus on gaining the customer’s trust. And branding can effectively help you in this regard! Branding refers to the process of promising value to your customers and setting up […]
Although much of the future of tech is unknown, dependent on the ever-changing developments that will take place over the coming years, there are certain innovations that are already starting to be developed that will influence the future of technology. It is important that individuals are aware of these changes so that they can plan […]
“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system. For if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” —Henry Ford The following is an edited excerpt from the new book, Heads I Win, Tails You Lose by Patrick Donohoe. Believe it or not, 401(k)s […]
As much as employers may wish otherwise, personal issues and out-of-work struggles can affect daily work performance and efficiency. But, particularly from the perspective of managers and executives, it can be difficult to observe subtle but meaningful changes in employee behavior over short periods of time. Managers and employers must be sensitive to these challenges, […]
Starting a business can be a bit of a minefield. From the funding to the office premises, there are a lot of key points which need to be taken into consideration; many of them may never have even crossed your mind. There are many factors that can help create a successful business, such as how […]
You may have heard of a business mentor, and you may even know other business owners who use one. What you might not know is just how useful and potentially life changing a business mentor really could be. If you are starting a business, or your established business needs a push, then a mentor could […]
Shopping online is now one of the most popular ways for people to purchase their goods. Although bricks and mortar retail is staying strong in some sectors like automotive and supermarkets, many industries like fashion and electronics have been completely disrupted by the rise in eCommerce. This has led to pure players, those who only […]
Despite being well aware that gambling is a pastime full of risks, some of us still like to try our hands at reaching that stroke of luck, regardless of if we do it at a conventional establishment or an online casino. It’s because the thrill and the joy of teasing your fortune through a game […]